On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Richard M. Stallman <rms at gnu.org> wrote:
>    Your point would be worth more than 10 seconds consideration if you weren't the one tooting your own horn.  Your pure hubris
>    nullifies the good points and severely tarnishes your work.
> Does asking you to give us a share of the credit for our work tarnish
> it?  I don't think so, but each person can judge that for himself.

In some cultures it does. I come from Palestine, where it is generally
considered to be rude to toot your own horn or to ask for accolades.
however it is also considered rude to withhold these accolades when
they are obviously deserved.

In an ideal world the OS would be GNU, MacOSX is still known as MacOSX
no matter how many additional software packages you install onto it,
free and non-free alike, and as such GNU should also be known as GNU
no matter the kernel. However renaming now is a tough proposition and
overcoming inertia is hard; GNU/Linux (or whatever variant thereof you
want to use) is a mouthful to say and people will shorten it no matter
how hard you try. I think you and GNU should get your accolades; and I
do not think it is right that you get derided for standing up for your
rights, however I also do not think that renaming the group is
practical however much I would love be in the TC GLUG.

maybe a prominent acknowledgments page for the efforts GNU in bringing
us to where we are today. I myself  would most definitely not be where
I am today without them and Linux(the kernel) would probably be just
another footnote in the big book of Unix.