From: Elvedin Trnjanin <trnja001 at>
> >   
> I remember your idea of setting up a non-profit and also the reaction of 
> it being too pointless to peruse. Why do some seem to think that 
> "leadership" means bureaucracy and all that associated 'crap'? All it 
> means is someone (or a group) taking charge to get something done. It's 
> been happening before - how did the previous installfests and meetings 
> get organized? Someone took charge, or leadership if you will, to get it 
> done.

There it is again - Someone.

What is implied is "Someone else."
If you want to do it - do it!

Leadership here is a participatory sport. 

If you feel uncomfortable with the details of How-to, there are bunches of people here that know how, just ask.
If you are an RTFM kind of person, there are numerous How-to guides for meetings and installfests on the web.

I will add that after you have done this a few times you may have a little different perspective on the "bureaucracy and all that associated 'crap'" thing but then again, you may have a flair for this sort of thing so YMMV.

> And how does having the meeting in a lecture hall at building at the U 
> make any special connection with it?
I can take a stab at this one:
You can't just walk in a room and have a meeting.
"Somebody" has to authorize the use of the room.
How hard or easy this is depends on how much authority and how risk-adverse that "somebody" is.
If you have been on the "not so easy" end of one of these affairs it may leave a bad taste.

Mark Browne