At 10/19/2008 11:33 PM, Mike Miller wrote:
>He tells me that he loves Jonathan apples and he wants to buy some.

Another idea:

Take him to the U of M fruit farm, ~25(?) miles SW of Minneapolis, 
across from the Arboretum on MN Hwy 5 I think, near the 
town/development of Jonathan.  Back in the sixties, when I was a wee 
lad, a high point of the season was my family's  pilgrimage to the 
fruit farm for their fall open house.  Back then they used to take 
visitors on hayrides through the orchards, and I was especially 
fascinated by the sorting machinery in the big barn -- they'd dump 
onto a conveyor belt at one end, and over a distance of maybe 20 
yards the spinning rubber wheels would kick out different sizes into 
side trays.  It's been decades since my last visit, so I'm not sure 
how much of any that nostalgia survives, but I'm 95% sure they still 
sell their apples/pears/whatnot at a small store on site.

The U is renowned, I believe, among apple cognoscenti for having 
developed several varieties of apples suitable for growing in 
northern climes -- in fact, one of them (I think) is the 
Jonathan.  Somewhere on the grounds, if I recall, is the original 
honey crisp tree, still alive.

They grow all sorts of experimental and not-safe-for supermarket 
varieties -- supermarkets want long shelf life and rugged bruise 
resistance -- some of which are ultra yummy and unavailable anywhere else.

Anyway: set him up on a cook's tour with one of the agronomists out 
there, and RMS will experience the closest thing to apple heaven this 
side of the Gulf of Mexico!