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(ASCEND) User sessions via SNMP on MAX & Cisco

I've been using maxstatus by Tatsuo Natsukawa ( for well
over a year as a core module for user management scripts.  Now that the
ISP I work for now has some Cisco (5200 & 3640) equipment for dialup
connectivity, I've been needing a way to get the same type of output for
the cisco that I have for the Ascends.

Would anyone care to share an snmp script such as maxstatus for the cisco?
I'd be eternally grateful.

#  May 18, 1996
#  May 20, 1996  fixed Error: can't read
#                                  "sessionStatusEntry(x)": no such
#                                  element in array
#  Dec 19, 1996  clean exit when snmp walk fails
#                                  thanks ( now)
# maxstatus <ip> [<community>]
# you'll get an output like:
# Speed   Elapsed Time   User     IP Address      Subnet Mask     Service
# ------- -------------- -------- --------------- --------------- -------
# 64000   0d 23:59:38.00 itjspd05 ppp
# 26400   0d  0:07:36.00 itjsys22 ppp
# 64000   0d  2:28:32.00 itjadv01 ppp
# 28800   0d  0:35:46.00 its00086 ppp
# 64000   0d  0:00:25.00 soros1 ppp
# Summary
# ----------
# 64000:  3
# 28800:  1
# 26400:  1
#         --
#         5
# Ok I stole code from ifload and ifload.tcl that come wich scotty.  They were
# very helpful.

# Tcl sees the next lines as an assignment to variable `kludge'.
# For sh, the two shifts cancel the effect of the set, and then we
# run scotty on this script.

set kludge { $*
    if test -f ../scotty ; then
      exec ../scotty -nf $0 $*
      exec /usr/bin/scotty -nf $0 $*

if {$argc < 1 || $argc > 2} {
    puts stderr {usage: maxstatus <ip> [<community>]}
    exit 1

set host [lindex $argv 0]
set community [expr {$argc == 2 ? [lindex $argv 1] : "public"}]

mib load ascend.mib

set code [catch {snmp session -address $host -community $community} s]
if $code {
    puts stderr $s
    exit 1

set code [catch {$s walk vbl callStatusIndex {
  set callStatusIndex [lindex [lindex $vbl 0] 2]
  set vbl [$s get "
    callStatusValidFlag.$callStatusIndex \
    callStatusStartingTimeStamp.$callStatusIndex \
    callStatusDataRate.$callStatusIndex \
    callSessionIndex.$callStatusIndex \
    sysUpTime.0 \
  set callStatusValidFlag [lindex [lindex $vbl 0] 2]
  if {$callStatusValidFlag == "valid"} {
    set callStatusStartingTimeStamp [lindex [lindex $vbl 1] 2]
    set callStatusDataRate [lindex [lindex $vbl 2] 2]
    set callSessionIndex [lindex [lindex $vbl 3] 2]
    set sysUpTime [lindex [lindex $vbl 4] 2]
    # build a table with $callSessionIndex as the key
    # $sysUpTime contains spaces, and I don't want its columns to get separated
    set callStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) [list \
      $callStatusStartingTimeStamp \
      $callStatusDataRate \
      [list $sysUpTime] \
if $code {
    puts stderr $s
    exit 1

$s walk vbl ssnStatusIndex {
  set ssnStatusIndex [lindex [lindex $vbl 0] 2]
  set vbl [$s get "
    ssnStatusValidFlag.$ssnStatusIndex \
    ssnStatusUserName.$ssnStatusIndex \
    ssnStatusUserIPAddress.$ssnStatusIndex \
    ssnStatusUserSubnetMask.$ssnStatusIndex \
    ssnStatusCurrentService.$ssnStatusIndex \
  set ssnStatusValidFlag [lindex [lindex $vbl 0] 2]
  if {$ssnStatusValidFlag == "valid"} {
    set ssnStatusUserName [lindex [lindex $vbl 1] 2]
    set ssnStatusUserIPAddress [lindex [lindex $vbl 2] 2]
    set ssnStatusUserSubnetMask [lindex [lindex $vbl 3] 2]
    set ssnStatusCurrentService [lindex [lindex $vbl 4] 2]
    set ssnStatusCallReferenceNum [lindex [lindex $vbl 5] 2]
    # boild a table with $ssnStatusIndex as key
    set sessionStatusEntry($ssnStatusIndex) "
      $ssnStatusUserName \
      $ssnStatusUserIPAddress \
      $ssnStatusUserSubnetMask \
      $ssnStatusCurrentService \

puts "Speed   Elapsed Time   User     IP Address      Subnet Mask     Service"
puts "------- -------------- -------- --------------- --------------- -------"
# select * from callStatusEntry, sessionStatusEntry
#   where callSessionIndex = ssnStatusIndex
foreach callSessionIndex [array names callStatusEntry] {
  # we only want the intersection of the two tables
  if {![info exists sessionStatusEntry($callSessionIndex)]} continue
  set callStatusStartingTimeStamp [ \
    lindex $callStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) 0 \
  set callStatusDataRate [lindex $callStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) 1]
  set sysUpTime [lindex [lindex $callStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) 2] 0]
  set ssnStatusUserName [lindex $sessionStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) 0]
  set ssnStatusUserIPAddress [lindex $sessionStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) 1]
  set ssnStatusUserSubnetMask [lindex $sessionStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) 2]
  set ssnStatusCurrentService [lindex $sessionStatusEntry($callSessionIndex) 3]
  # $callStatusStartingTimeStamp is in seconds, but sysUpTime is expected to be
  # in hundreds of a second
  set callDuration [mib format sysUpTime [ \
    expr [mib scan sysUpTime $sysUpTime] - 100 * $callStatusStartingTimeStamp \
  puts "$callStatusDataRate $callDuration $ssnStatusUserName\t$ssnStatusUserIPAddress\t$ssnStatusUserSubnetMask\t$ssnStatusCurrentService"
  # count how many 64k's, 28.8k's, etc.
  # you have to make sure the variable exists before you increment it
  set dataRateCount($callStatusDataRate) [expr {
    ([info exists dataRateCount($callStatusDataRate)]) ?
      [incr dataRateCount($callStatusDataRate)] : 1

exit 0

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