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(ASCEND) Backoff Q full & radstat


  Thanks for your response. Today I have find the source cause the
"Backoff Q full". I check the account detail, the content is no
problem. Then I find that the TNT's call-logging is enabled and
the host is unavailable. So when I disabled the call-logging, the
"Backoff Q full" was disappeared. 
  Now I have another question: Following is my TNT "radstat", and & 3 is my authen and acct host, 10.4 is the backup host.
and is my disabled call-logging host. I think "radstat"
give the wrong sent and rcv statistics. the is disabled,
but its stat is still alive. Is it the bug of "radstat" ?

Have a nice day!
Ji Duanping
admin> radstat
RADIUS authen stats:
0  sent[A,O]=[0,200], rcv[A,O]=[0,195]
   timout[A,O]=[0,5], unexp=2, bad=195, authOK=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 1
1  sent[A,O]=[0,4], rcv[A,O]=[0,1]
   timout[A,O]=[0,3], unexp=0, bad=1, authOK=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 0
2  sent[A,O]=[0,0], rcv[A,O]=[0,0]
   timout[A,O]=[0,0], unexp=0, bad=0, authOK=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 0
RADIUS accounting stats (0):
0  sent=3, rcv=0, timout=1, unexp=0, bad=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 1
1  sent=0, rcv=0, timout=0, unexp=0, bad=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 0
2  sent=0, rcv=0, timout=0, unexp=0, bad=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 0
RADIUS accounting stats (1):
0  sent=934, rcv=42, timout=933, unexp=0, bad=42
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 1
1  sent=0, rcv=0, timout=0, unexp=0, bad=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 0
2  sent=0, rcv=0, timout=0, unexp=0, bad=0
   IpAddress, curServerFlag 0
Local Rad Acct Stats:
  nSent[OK,fail]=[937,0], nRcv=42, nDrop[QFull,Other]=[0,1]
  nRsp[TimOut,NoMatch]=[934,0], nBackoff[new,norsp]=[0,311]
  nAllocFail[timer,mem]=[0,0], nTimOutNoMatch=2, nBadVect=42
Local Rad Serv Stats:
  index 0 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 1 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 2 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 3 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 4 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 5 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 6 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 7 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
  index 8 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0

Tim Basher wrote:
> > My TNT also have this log frequently. My radius server is Ascend version
> Which Ascend package?  Ascend Access Control (the commercial software) or
> Ascend RADIUS (the free software)?
> What version of the package (what is the output of "radiusd -v")?
> > and there are no wrong config in radius configuration I think.
> Have you checked the RADIUS accounting "details" file?  Do you see accounting
> messages being recorded?  Are you seeing any duplication?
> Assuming you mean Ascend RADIUS and that you are using the current version,
> have you checked the "logfile"?  Are you seeing any error messages (such
> as "authenticateAcctReq: NNN: bad authenticator"?
> > So I wonder if this situation do any harm to my system and if I can
> > do some thing to avoid these mess.
> Are you using RADIUS accounting?  If not, then disable it ("acct-type = none").
> If you are using RADIUS accounting, then
>  * check the TNT configuration.
>   + Does the acct-server-1 address match your accounting server?
>   + Does the acct-port match your accounting server (1646 by default)?
>   + Does the acct-key match the secret in the clients file entry on your server?
>   + If you are using the same RADIUS server for authentication, then the
>     acct-key should also match the auth-key.
>   + Do you have the acct-timeout set to a reasonable value?
>  * check to see the RADIUS server is reporting errors.
>    If it is, then what are the error messages?
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Have a nice day! Ji Duanping
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