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Re: (ASCEND) Max 6.1.3, Modem connection to MAX 4000

We upgraded our 3 4048's on July 23rd.  I'm not familiar with the particular
modem that you are talking about but I'll tell ya what I've found.  We had
alot of Diamond Supra Max's that were running fine before the upgrade that
suddenly quit working when we upgraded to 6.1.3.  These modems can run
56flex or v.90 .  We went into the Advanced settings under the Connection
tab and put in +ms=k56 in the extra settings.  This setting forces the modem
to run 56flex rather than trying to negotiate a v.90 connection and the
modems went back to working fine. The +ms setting is used by Zoom, Diamond,
and Hayes but I'm not sure how much of a standard it is.  Diamond has a good
explanation of this setting at

Our v.90 connection speeds close to the central office have gone up an
average of 4000K with v.90 but as you move away from the central office or
to areas that come in over EAS trunks it is harder to get a connection on
the first dial with v.90 than it was with 56flex alone.  I live in an area
that gets to our POP via EAS.  With v.90 I only get connected 1 in 4 times
on a good day but if I put in the string(+ms=11) to connect at v.34 speeds
it connects every time.

Diamond's SupraMax's require that you use the k56 or v34 nomenclature while
the Diamond Supraexpress requires the numerical nomenclature.  For instance,
we had a Diamond Supraexpress(56flex or v.90) that quit working when we
upgraded to 6.1.3.  It would connect occassionally but it was really irratic
and would disconnect soon after.  We put in the string +ms=11 to force the
modem to v.34 and it now connects at v.34 O.K.  Not as good as 56 but this
was a good temporary solution until we get the other problems worked out.
With the +ms statement you can also limit the top speed which the modem can
connect.  We've found some success with telling Hayes 56flex modems to
connect no higher than a certain rate like 42000 or 44000.  They wouldn't
connect at all before and limiting the top speed gives a reliable

The problem I have now is to figure out why the 56K and v.90 modems will
connect great sometimes and then the next time you dial in it gives a "No
answer error" or "Unable to establish connection."  We can't find anything
wrong with the modems and they are all running 6.1.3 with LQM turned off.

Greg Hale
Logan Telephone

-----Original Message-----
From: Magnet.Com AG <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 8:10 AM
Subject: (ASCEND) Max 6.1.3, Modem connection to MAX 4000

>We have updated our firmware from 6.0.0 to 6.1.3 last thursday, from this
>time on, our users with an ELSA Microlink 56k Modem can't connect any more.
>The firmware from ELSA (at least thats what they tell me) supports V.90 and
>k56flex. And we have a lot of customer who have ELSA Microlinks. The only
>way to etablish a connection is to set the speed to 19200, then, the ELSA
>can connect to our max (this is true, we have tested on ourselfs).
>Were using a MAX 4000 with five 12er modem cards, the revision of the max
>software is: feik.m40 6.1.3.
>Any ideas appreciated, if there is no other way, I have to downgrade to
>Best regards
>Michael Saladin
>Magnet.Com AG
>Magnet.Com AG, Aliothstr. 60, CH-4142 Muenchenstein,Switzerland
>Michael Saladin  Tel. ++41 61 413 13 13, Fax. ++41 61 413 13 12
>Email:              WWW:
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