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(ASCEND) Cranky PPP . . .

For the Ascend boys (Matt, et al) specifically:


On my very simple, whitebread Max 4K I've got a recurring insidious problem
with analog PPP connections losing their network connectivity.  The line
stays up, but the TCP/IP just "goes away".  Sometimes it comes back after a
few minutes, sometimes the user has to start over.

Thanks to Peter Lalor for clueing me in about LQM.  Turning that on (I
haven't made the jump to 6.1.x yet) reduced the frequency of the problem,
but did not eliminate it altogether.  I've seen other folks here remark on
similar symptoms in their configurations.  Thanks to all, by the way, for
sharing and offering suggestions.

My question for you is this:

I understand work is furiously underway on the next release of 6.1.x that's
really going to fix a lot of things.  Is my problem one of the things fixed
in this pending (or any) release?  Right now I'm at 5.0Ap51, waiting for the
smoke to clear in 6.1.x.

I guess another way to put this same question is, "Is Ascend aware of and
working on a solution for this problem"?  Believe me, for the longest time I
thought it was pilot error, but after having read this list for a couple of
months I'm happy (and saddened) to see it's not just me.

So what do you fellows think?

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