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Re: (ASCEND) Lost Pipeline Route?


In article <> you wrote:

>I have a dedicated customer connecting via a Pipeline (b2.p75 5.1A) and
>for some reason, occasionally his NT server and my mailserver don't talk.

>Now, resetting his pipeline and then toggling his static route on and off
>on my Max 4002 (tim.m40 5.0Ap51) it works again.

>Then, for whatever reason, after awhile he can't pick up e-mail.  When
>this happens, it also begins to take nearly forever for him to load
>webpages (and for me to load the webpage off his NT server -- it hangs for

Is your customer by any chance using NAT on the pipeline? If so, he 
might want to upgrade to 6.0.9/6.0.10, which fixes a nasty problem with 
NAT which (IMHO) produces the exact result you are seeing. Basically NAT 
resources aren't freed on the pipeline when they should be (napt in 
diag mode would show you a long list of allocated resources) and during 
heavy use a pipeline will simply "lose" all available NAT resources. 
Apart from a reboot other measures might free the NAT table, like change 
of Ethernet address or a 24 hour pause after which used NAT handles
expire. In case your customer is not running NAT, just forget what
I wrote... :)


Oliver J. Albrecht <>
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