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Re: (ASCEND) Max 4xxx/6xxx and 6.1.7

In article <> you wrote:

>I'm surprised that this is a new problem for people; we've had this for a
>long time.  I don't think it's a routing issue, it sounds a lot more like
>the "spiraling death" or "connection pause" problem.

>Essentially, something stops working and the customer decides to hang up
>and retry.  I think it is a modem problem or higher-level protocol problem
>on the client's end.  

Since 6.1.0 we're seeing this with ISDN connections and with varying
client side PPP implementations. ISDN used to be rock solid with 5.0X...

Oliver J. Albrecht      AllCon GmbH
Network Administration  Westerallee 139    Tel:  +49 461 90393-0   D-24941 Flensburg  Fax:  +49 461 90393-33
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