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Re: (ASCEND) Setting time on pipeline 75

>> I can't seem to set the time on my pipeline 50 and 75.

At 11:13 1998/12/28 EST, Tim Basher wrote:
>That is because there is no way to set the time on the Pipeline 50/75/130.
>There is no real-time clock chip in the Pipeline 50/75.  [Without a real-time
>clock there is no way to keep the time between resets.]

Well, they could just have it ask an NTP server...

What the box does track is number of seconds since power-on,
so at some point after boot the system can determine the difference
between the number of seconds since boot and the NTP reported time,
store that difference, and then when it needs to output the 
date/time, it adds that difference to its uptime counter...
(an Unreal-Time-Clock?? a Surreal-Time-Clock??)

I had officially asked for this years ago, but 
it was really just a "cosmetic feature" and I could never
think of any task that _required_ a clock with correct time
that a Pipeline could actually do anyway.

-Jim H
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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