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 There has been a bit of discusion about the frequency of death.  I myself
was finding it tiring to keep dieing (yes, I should be more careful,
but in many cases, it might just have been one thing.)  I haven't
played 89.1 much, so hopefully that is easier.

 However, I am working (nearly finished) with an EXPLORE_MODE patch.
This will be selected in the config.h file.  This will be
similar to explore mode in some other games.  However, it should
really be called NO_DIE mode.

 To put it simply, you won't be able to die via starvation or loss
of hp (don't know fi there are other ways of dying.)  Once in explore
mode, you can't get back to normal mode, and your score will not
be saved if you are in explore mode.  You will still be able to save
your game (but the explore mode gets saved/restored with it.)

 There will be problems with it for multi player sites (I'm a single
player.)  Namely, a person could enter explore mode can kill all
the players.  I haven't looked over the crossfire code enough to
see if it can be determined if a game is multiplayer or single player.  If
that is easy to do, explore mode could be prevent in multiplayer games,
and people who have entered explore mode can not add new players in.

 I guess that would cover most of the bases?
