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Re: encounter maps

+--- Klaus Elsbernd:
| 1) We introduce a keyword in the definition of maps or the
| archetypes which allows to randomly place groundfloor in maps. [...]

Actually, this sounds like a nice idea to generalize the object
definition. I'd like to see it as

   oneof face

However, this isn't necessarily the best way to get the functionality
you want. One alternative route is to add to the artifact
functionality, and allow people to specify objects to be
artifacts. (That would necessitate more flexible naming of
artifacts. "jungle of big trees" is OK, but it gets tedious to find
meaningful names to distinguish types after a while).

The other thing I wanted to say, is that it is _TRIVIAL_ to add varied
encounter maps to the game. Just draw some suitably sized tiles
similar to the ones found in lib/maps/terrain, and change the line

      sprintf(buf2, "%s/%s/%s_%ld", LibDir, MapDir, mapobs[x][y]->race,
   here ---------------^

in server/encounter.c. Now, there's one catch - that code assumes
there's the same number of alternatives for all terrain types. I've
already sent a patch to do determine that number dynamically to Mark.

(Map creators can actually make their own terrains, and use them by
setting the race variable in the trees in their magic forests or
whatever. E.g.:
  Object tree
  race /peterm/terrain-tiles/forest
The code will then use /peterm/terrain-tiles/forest_1 or .../forest_2)

Kjetil T.