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Re: Dreads???

On Thu, 23 Nov 1995, Colin wrote:

> etc>
> etc>
> etc>How do you kill a Dread? Cold, lightning or physical??
> etc>
> etc>Please answer asap!
> etc>
> etc>(Im doing the nine gates of hell and am on the seventh)
> etc>
> A dread is just a nastier skull, thankfully they are also 
> bigger and slower.
> Just hit them hard and fast and hope they die!
> Or else use mystic fist....

I got suprised the other night when I took out "Grukk" of Grukk's tower, 
as well as the 4 dreads in the tower in Brest (twice) with a "holy 
servant" I averaged 1.5 dreads per holy servant..just hide around a 
corner while the golem beats up on the uglies...I went from level 9 to 
level 14 in about 10 minutes... :)

----------+ Jonathan Hankins +---------------------------------------------
"After the war, what does a soldier become?"