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Re: CF: Newbie hints

| Anthony Thyssen ( wrote:
| You don't need the spell. Take them to a shop to identify them.
| Identifying 50 zombie corpses costs the same amount of money as
| identifying one corpse.
So even identified zombie corpses (non-magical) get more money?
Or is it just the magical ones.

| Also, once you can cast summon avatar, you will be able to get random
| artifacts, which is the first step towards better items. Some of the
| random artifacts will be replaced by special artifacts later on, but
| I'm still wearing a couple of random artifacts since are are no better
| special artifacts.
Now that is a good hint!

| So building up wisdom experience (which is the easiest) makes it easier
| to build magic and phyiscal later on.
I don't know bombs and giants get you a lot of magic experience!
That is why I am now tenth level magic!

| With some decent levels in the three skills you'll also be able to
| explore maps you haven't explored before, and still have a chance to
| survive :-) You'll still be killed sometimes, but that's life --- as
| the person in front the monitor collects experience, your character
| will die less often :-) Know your enemies, know the maps, and you'll
| never die. But until you know these things...
What is your faviourate first quests?  (this is open to anyone on the

| > | Eech. Who needs a keybinding for that? You almost never need bows.
| > | 
| > Not with this bow I have. +25 damage!
| Bow of Auriga? Or the energy bow from the polymorph bug?
The former.  Never seen the last two!

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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