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Changes for Lythander, was Re: CF: Are these bugs?

Unless there has been some updates, Gnarg is attuned to Wounding.

Since Lythander and Gnarg are enemy cults, then why not make it so the
followers of Lythander are vulnerable to Wounding (which is cause light
wounds, cause medium wounds, cause serious wounds, cause critical wounds,
etc. right?)  Or would this be too devestating for lower level players
like what Peter Mardahl says (below) was the case for vulnerable poison.

If Lythander followers were made vulnerable to fear, then both cults would
be vulnerable to fear (again if that hasn't changed as well.)

Anyone else?

- Rick Tanner

On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:

> Peter Mardahl wrote:
> > 
> > > 6) Protected && Vulnerable == immune to protection?
> > >
> > >     It's possible to be protected and vulnerable to the same attack type,
> > > which apparently cancels out.  (dam *= 2; dam /= 2;)  That kinda makes
> > > sense.  But why would Lythander grant his priests protection from confusion
> > > AND make them vulnerable to confusion?  It not only cancels out, but it
> > > prevents any other Protection from Confusion magic from working.  This /has/
> > > to be a mistake, right?  Even if protection is made additive, it just
> > > doesn't make sense.
> > 
> > This HAS to be a problem with the archetype.
>     Okay, so which should be changed?  Either attacktype and protected or
> vulnerable.  And what should it be changed to?  I think it used to be, a few
> versions ago, vuln: poison.  That's kinda harsh for low-level characters,
> though.  And Lythander is a good religion for low-level characters, with
> that goblin-slaying Holy Word, unless not identifying an orc chop means you
> might take triple damage from it.  Every door becomes a nightmare when
> you're not sure whether there might be a lethal poison needle that you just
> haven't found.
>     I think making Lythander vuln: fear would be a reasonable solution. 
> Elves and faeries aren't necessarily cowards, but they generally prefer to
> "live to fight another day," rather than "going out in a blaze of glory." 
> Any other nominations?

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