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Re: [TCLUG:15961] Internet myths

>Help me think of a good list. Here's a couple:
>1. Internet == WWW
the one that irks me:
"I need the internet!" really means: "I need a graphical web browser with an
icon on my desktop."
>2. You can get computer viruses by reading email messages. (General
>discussion of computer virii would follow.)
>3. Making Web pages is difficult. (The idea that follows is that if it's on
>a Web page, then whoever made it must be an expert and can be trusted.)
>4. Buying something online is more dangerous than "traditional" uses of a
>credit card.

"the internet is down!" when a DNS lookup fails. 

Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator    307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA	        Buffalo, MN      (763) 682-1091