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RE: [TCLUG:17041] <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff...

"Seriously, tho, I'd like to make a point.  It seems to me
that the vast majority of these highly intelligent Linux
users can't keep a Windows box going at all.  You'd
think that some of the smartest computer people out
there wouldn't find this so difficult."

I assume there's a bit of humor in this question, but I'm going to answer in
all seriousness.

Like many of the people on this list, I'm probably in the 99.99th%
percentile of knowledge of all Windoze (I've been spelling it this way since
3.0 :) ) users about windows, and have my individual opinions about various
pieces of software.  I would argue that without understanding Windows, you
can't hate it nearly as well.  As far as "keeping a windows box going" you
have to remember that there's a difference between "keeping it going" how
Microsoft/hardware vendors/ISV's expect you operate and how YOU want to
"keep it going."  Sure.  I can keep a windows box up for months running
WinAmp and Word.  It's an entirely different situation if you want to run
Windows Terminal Server with Metaframe and X services and 60 users and keep
that up for a month.  

It really only takes one headlong charge into that non-open-source wall
before you realize how useful it is to have that information available to
you.  One situation where you find your own interests dont' correspond to
Microsoft's (or whoever's) and you're just up a creek.


You'd think that it's a conspiracy by the networks to put bad shows on TV.
But those shows are there because that's what people want. It's not like
Windows users don't have any power.  I think they're happy with Windows, and
that's an incredibly depressing thought.

-Steve Jobs