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Re: [TCLUG:17041] <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff...

Yes, I guess that is true.  I agree, everything
before Win2k has kinda sucked.  WinNT 4 with
some of the later service packs is decent, but
not good.  Win2k has impressed me quite a bit,
it's one of the few things that Microsoft has done
a really good job on.  (Like the Media Player and IE).

The biggest thing that was killing Win95/98 and even
NT 4 was how much legacy crap it had to support.

Win2k has kinda done away with that, and is *much*
better because of it.  That's part of the reason why
the Linux kernel is good - it doesn't bend over backwards
to maintain backwards compatibility.

Nick Reinknig