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Re: [TCLUG:17041] <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff... wrote:
> Seriously, tho, I'd like to make a point.  It seems to me
> that the vast majority of these highly intelligent Linux
> users can't keep a Windows box going at all.  You'd
> think that some of the smartest computer people out
> there wouldn't find this so difficult.
> I have had both Windows boxes that have been up
> for a couple months, and Linux boxes that have been
> up for a couple months all the time.  (I make a lot of
> hardware upgrades, so don't give me the "I've had
> uptimes of 13 years" thing).  What seems to be the
> problem, here?

I'll tell you what the problem is. The problem is Microsoft. Let me
explain. We have a NT print server serving around 600 NT clients. It
constantly looses memory and needs to be rebooted every couple of days.
I have reinstalled NT on it a few times, but that only helps for a few
weeks. Microsoft has even acknowledged the problem but still won't
(can't?) fix it. I am planning on switching it over to SAMBA as soon as
the 'NT driver download' capabilities are fulling functional in the new

> I'm running Win2k on my PIII 600E (overclocked to 800!)
> on my desktop at home, and it is rock-solid stable.
> Additionally, I push my machines a lot harder than
> the vast majority of users out there.  I also have a Linux
> box running Slackware on a PPro 200 with an off-brand
> motherboard, and it seems to be running rock-solid,
> also.  Neither one of these was terribly difficult to get
> going and running.  Why do all you obviously smart
> folks have so much trouble?   ;)

I suppose you can have a Micro$$$$$$$oft box running for a few years if
it doesn't do anything. But from experience, (we have around 15 NT
boxes) and they all leak memory like a sieve.

Please excuse my keyboard. It tends to stick sometimes.
