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Re: [TCLUG:17041] <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff...

Seriously, tho, I'd like to make a point.  It seems to me
that the vast majority of these highly intelligent Linux
users can't keep a Windows box going at all.  You'd
think that some of the smartest computer people out
there wouldn't find this so difficult.

I have had both Windows boxes that have been up
for a couple months, and Linux boxes that have been
up for a couple months all the time.  (I make a lot of
hardware upgrades, so don't give me the "I've had
uptimes of 13 years" thing).  What seems to be the
problem, here?

I'm running Win2k on my PIII 600E (overclocked to 800!)
on my desktop at home, and it is rock-solid stable.
Additionally, I push my machines a lot harder than
the vast majority of users out there.  I also have a Linux
box running Slackware on a PPro 200 with an off-brand
motherboard, and it seems to be running rock-solid,
also.  Neither one of these was terribly difficult to get
going and running.  Why do all you obviously smart
folks have so much trouble?   ;)

Nick Reinking, on 05/02/2000 01:01:07 PM
To: @ PMDF
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:17041] <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff...

>I don't think this is some subversive attempt by Microsoft
>to brainwash you.

        no, I don't think it's a deliberate attempt to brainwash anyone. I
try not to attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. :)
it's just scary the way it's worded. 

after reinstalling windows for the 3rd time in 24 hours, on the same
machine; and now being unable to do much, because all the applications have
to be reinstalled (even tho they're still on the HDD), and once more finding
that Office refuses to install itself over an existing installation; I have
lost what little respect I once gave them.

make backups, reformat, reinstall... again.

maybe I ought to get news access from work, so I can just blow off steam on
alt.flame or

Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator    307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA          Buffalo, MN      (763) 682-1091

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