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Re: [TCLUG:17072] Thoughts about 'scary stuff'

> It's been a while since I saw a post by someone who sounded like they
> are enjoying their Linux experience. This group needs to get its
> medication back in balance.

I for one enjoy Linux. ;) I can browse the web for days on end without
rebooting. ;) Netscape can crash all it wants and I can just start it up
again. Try that on windows. Half the time it brings the OS down with it,
and the other half it puts something-or-the-other in some odd state so
that it won't start back up again...

>Anybody that's been to London, and gone to Hyde Park, has seen the
>ranters waving their arms for their favorite causes. Let's keep this sort
>of rhetoric at as low a level as possible in this group.


You shout that just like a professional. The arm waving is a nice touch.