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Re: [TCLUG:17072] Rebuttal

Quoting Bob Nolte (
> Sometimes this group sounds like a bunch of religious bigots!

Jesus saves! Passes to Moses, who shoots and scores! :-)

> It's been a while since I saw a post by someone who sounded like they
> are enjoying their Linux experience. This group needs to get its
> medication back in balance.

Counter point. I love linux. I am very, very happy with Linux and what it can
do. Real Time is so confident in linux, that we are migrating to a 100% linux
shop. This includes replacing NT, Windows, and Solaris.

> I would wager that I could load up a box with Windows 2000 and keep
> it running just about forever. Notice that I didn't say that I would load
> any application software on it. 

I will take this bet. 

You will have to load some sort of application software, otherwise you have an
idle box right? Just an OS mean idle CPU cycles.

What would you like to use as a longevity test? 

> Just wait until Linux grows popular enough to attract crappy application
> software and the up time on Linux boxen will drop dramatically. 

Personally I doubt this will happen. The separation of the OS from the
application in Unix (not just linux) means an application cannot crash the OS.
This is not to say I have not had an application lock up linux, like when
using pnp to config a sound card, so your point is taken. But over all I have
found in 5 users of heavy use linux is far more stable when running

> One final point. The level of technical knowledge of MS products seems
> to be very low in this group. This may be due, in part, to the tendency
> of Linux users to break out in hives when brought in close proximity
> to a MS operating system. 

Not hives. More like headaches, lock-jaw, emotional instability and
frustration. I feel I have a very good understanding of NT and Windows. I think
I have excellent troubleshooting skills and I am not afraid to say I don't
know what the problem is and to call the experts for help. 

My preference for Linux comes from having 'deal' with Windows instead of it
working for me. Having Microsoft support tell me that re-installation is an
acceptable problem resolution drove me crazy.
> Most of the people in the world aren't experts with either OS and just want
> something that will do its job and not aggravate them too much.

In my opinion and probably most people on this list, Linux cause less
aggravation. Personally I can tell you Windows can be a VERY aggravating

I can rant all day, but I want to show counter-points to each of your points.
Linux people are passionate about linux, that is it's greatest strength and
it's greatest weakness. I said as much at our Linux Expo.

To be honest, I have never met a person passionate about Windows. Does this
say something? I don't know. But I do know when people are passionate they
voice their opinions and frustrations to sympathic ears. This list is full of
sympathic ears, it's just a fact.

You are right, things need to stay professional and mature. But at the same
time, everyone needs to know flame-bait when they see it and ignore it. Or
if the statements really get you, send personal email. 


Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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