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Dreamweaver (was: <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff...)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:	Wednesday, May 03, 2000 7:15 AM
> To:
> Subject:	RE: [TCLUG:17041] <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff...
> Very well.  You asked for it.  Don't make fun of my boxen
> if you think it's too puny.  :P
> As far as software I run (A sampling)...
> Image manipulation (like Photoshop)
> Video capture / manipulation (like Premiere)
> MPEG encoding (video/audio)
> Webpage design (Dreamweaver)
	You run Dreamweaver on Linux?  Cool.  

	Incidentally, with Dreamweaver how do you get it to not rewrite your
files as all capitals.  I have a frameset that contains three pages.  If I
edit one of the pages when I have the "index.htm" open it rewrites the file
I just edited as all caps.  Have you experienced this?  Do you know how to
get it to stop?


> DVD playing (whatever program I like the best at the time)
> hts server
> samba serving
> And, of course the usual stuff (3d games, web surfing, ssh, rc5, etc)
> Nick Reinking