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Seminar Announcement <OT>

I know this is not necessarily Linux related but definately technology
based.  Here's the scoop:  I'm on a committee for the local Chamber of
Commerce relating to technology issues.  We've decided to put on a seminar
relating to technology for the community.  It's only a 1/2 day, there is a
keynote and 4 breakouts and the best part: FREE Continental Breakfast.  
Normally the cost to attend would be $40, but because of sponsorship by
several generous vendors (including Ready Net Go), the admission fee has
been waived.  

The date of the event is coming up quickly (Thursday, May 18) and seats
are filling quickly.  To attend, reply to this message OFF-LIST to and I will send a PDF of the ticket.  
** NOTE ** The event does require registration in advance by May 12 with
the Chamber (this can be done via phone or email) and information is
included on the ticket.
(I will be attending the "No Clowning Around" myself)
A press release with full details of the speakers follows.
Hope to see you there,

The St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce is offering the first in a series 
of conferences titled "Tech Strategies: Technology Development for
Business."  Futurist Ed Rogers, sponsored by US West Dex, will present the
keynote session titled "How to Capitalize on the Future of Technology."
Rogers has over 25 years of experience that includes technical management,
strategic and tactical planning, web site development, and product design.
He will focus on the dynamics of technology and change today, where change
may take us, the dangers and opportunities of technology and more. 
Participants can also choose two of four breakout sessions sponsored by 
Rasmussen College and EMR Innovations:

 "Moving Your Business to the e-World" will address the costs associated 
with starting an e-commerce site and the future of e-commerce.  The 
seminar will help you determine if you can afford to conduct business on 
the Internet.or if you can afford not to conduct business on the Internet. 
Presenter Joseph Byrne has over 20 years of experience in the information 
technology field with multiple certifications.
 "No Clowning Around! - How I Built a Million Dollar Business Online!"
Hear first-hand how a Minnesota small business owner created a web site
and took his business online. Presenter Dale Bothun, professional clown, 
will share his strategies and a few laughs on what worked for his family 
business and how to have success with e-commerce.
 "Thin-client Technology" will focus on new technology that can 
dramatically increase a business' return on investment. Learn how 
thin-client technology can deliver business-critical applications to any 
device, anywhere, fast, cost-effectively and predictably. Presenter Ward 
Blaschko, CCA and president and CEO of EMR Innovations, has 16-plus years 
experience in information technology.
 "Hardware: a Non-Nerds Guide" will decipher some of the techno-babble and
make sense of internal components of the computer, printers, scanners,
communication devices, operating systems and more. Presenter Shawn Brannan
of MINCO has nearly 20 years of experience -- but still speaks plain

In addition to the speakers, vendors specializing in the areas discussed
will be available to answer questions and demonstrate the latest
technology.  "Technology is rapidly changing how we do business. It can be
very hard for businesses, particularly the smaller ones, to keep up," said
Chamber president Teresa Bohnen.  "Our goal with these seminars is to
provide quality information to area businesses, give them important
resources for information, and do it cost-effectively."

"Tech Strategies: Technology Development for Business" is Thursday, May
18, from 8-11:30 a.m. at the Kelly Inn, St. Cloud.  The cost is $30 for
Chamber members, $40 for the general public for reservations received by
May 12 or $50 at the door.  The cost includes the keynote presentation,
two seminars, the exhibit hall and breakfast.  For reservations, call the
St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce at 251-2940, ext. 126.

ReadyNET Go!, Inc.  -  Building your Business on the net
Mark J. Kroska
MIS Director

320.656.0765 Voice
888.447.3239 Toll Free
320.203.7052 Fax