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Re: [TCLUG:17130] Dreamweaver (was: <OT:anti-M$> *scary* stuff...)

No, I run Dreamweaver on Windows.  :P  WINE
isn't good enough for Dreamweaver, although you
could certainly run it under VMWare.

Also, I can't say I've had your problem with Dreamweaver -
but I'm a pretty anti-frames kinda guy, so I've never worked
with frames in Dreamweaver. 

But what you see as my applications are why I run Windows
on my main desktop:

Photoshop (GIMP is good, but it's not Photoshop, maybe in
a few years - GIMP is also held back by some weaknesses
in X)

Dreamweaver (I don't know any WYSIWYG editors for Linux,
and certainly none that are as delicious as Dreamweaver)

Premiere (Linux needs a good non-linear video editing suite)

MPEG Encoding (This is a tough one - some serious brains
are needed here to do good MPEG encoding - brains I don't
have. :P  )

DVD Playing (LiViD is getting there, but it's still a slideshow
in stereo, not what I'm looking for)

Nick Reinking