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Re: [TCLUG:17192] Helix Gnome w/ debian

"Andrew S. Zbikowski" wrote:
> <rant>
> > Is there any way to load helix-gnome with debian?
> >
> helix-gnome = cvs compiled for you
> > Or is there a debian site with the latest gnome? (1.1.9)
> >
> No. October GNOME is the latests stable gnome. That's what's in all Debian
> distributions. Don't let Helix fool you, helix-gnome isn't stable, it's
> not finished. It's no big deal. If you really want to go through the
> trouble of an unstable GNOME enviorment, you might as well compile the CVS
> versions and shove it all in /usr/local on a debian machine. At least that
> way you can run October GNOME and CVS GNOME at the same time (in theory.)

Unstable? I disagree. I have been using Helix-gnome for over a month now
with absolutly NO problems. And I am using it on my main desktop, so it
gets plenty of use. And I like the new features it has.

> I dunno, I agree with Scott (dieman) about people like HelixCode giving
> the impression that HelixGnome is a finished project. Could have a
> negitive influnce on potential supporters who think it's the latest and
> greatest thing and find that it crashes, crashes, crashes. When it's not
> the latest and greatest, it's the latest developers build. At least with
> with Mozilla everyone knew it was alpha.
> </rant>

Helix-gnome != CVS snapshots

I have NEVER had my helix-gnome crash. But then again, I could just be
special. :-)

Clay Fandre
UNIX System Administrator
Honeywell, Intl. / CAP