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Modules and RAID


Of course, the day I reinstall from scratch they go and release a new

When I installed my box from scratch, I decided to make a bunch of
software RAID devices, just to see how well it works. No problem with Red
Hat 6.2's default kernel (2.2.14-50), except sound doesn't seem to be able
to modularize. 

Anyway, I rebuilt 2.2.14 somewhat customized, and that works ok, too,
except the nvidia beta kernel driver has some unresolved symbols and
doesn't work.

So I've tried building 2.2.15 - but when I boot it it can't start the md
services, and kernel panics, since / is an md device.

I am certain I enabled _all_ md services in the kernel, NOT as modules,
but it still says it "can't run md0". Am I missing something?

Also, many modules do complain about unresolved symbols - even modules
which I told it NOT to compile as modules! Any idea?

