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Re: [TCLUG:17297] More Love Bug

  Pegasus, Eudora, or pine would be an excellent replacement for
Outlook but for one minor detail.

The Exchange/Outlook combination provides calendar and scheduling
services in addition to basic e-mail.

Because of this, to replace Outlook you need a decant MUA (of
which there are many), and a decent calendar/scheduling app (of
which there are few). You also need a linker so that scheduling info
recieved in e-mail automaticly gets added to your calendar.

Daniel Taylor                Embedded and custom Linux integration.           (612)747-1609

On Sat, 6 May 2000, Mike Hicks wrote:

> insights than I could ever provide.  However, I will say that I think
> people should switch away from Outlook if at all possible, and that I've
> heard that Pegasus Mail [] could be a good
> freeware replacement.  Does anyone have experience with that piece of
> software?