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Re: [TCLUG:17351] pgsql

We just set RIMPS/PostgreSQL up last night, and discovered a few things. :)

1> the document you're looking for is under the website,
under info central, documentatin, administrators guide.  If you dont want to
go through all the links, click here.

2> When you run the configure script, be SURE you do --without-perl.  The
perl backend wont build on the local (redhat 6.something) system here, and
since yours is redhat as well, I'll suspect you'll have the same problems. 
The perl backend isnt needed for rimps, since rimps connects "remotely" via

When getting the database up and going, make SURE you compile the apache PHP
module WITH postgresql support.  Dont ask how to do that, the website
administration crew did that much for me :).  Oh, and make sure you set the
postmaster up to listen on tcp as well as unix domain sockets for
connections.  It's unbelievably handy.


When setting rimps up, you'll need to modify engine/search.php.  There's a
loop at the end which "displays" all the items found in the search.  The
code there is broken, if you download the 'latest' version on the website. 
Modify the for struct so that ($result,$i) reads ($result,$isearch).  Et.
voila.  If you dont do this, the system will get stuck into an infinte loop
and feed your browser data until you hit stop (or until its too late and you
have to forcibly kill it)

Other than that, the instructions cover things really well.  If you need
_any_ help getting rimps up and running, let me know.  I'll see what I can
do to lend a hand setting up a tool with indescribable handiness.


oh, one last thing: once you get it all up and running, find, download, and
install pgaccess.  It's a tcl/tk application for postgresql, and I've found
it indispensible for entering titles and artists for tagless mp3's in the
database.  (tagless mp3's get put in the database, but they'll never show on
rimps until you put some sort of info in em)
