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Re: [TCLUG:17269] solaris annoyances

WOOHOO!  Dan, I can now die, as you've said everything I ever wanted to say in
my life :)


> On Mon, 8 May 2000, Luke Francl wrote:
> > 
> > Still, I miss my Linux...Some Unices need to wake up and move into the
> > mid-80's...
> Watch it there, Luke. You've got a few crufty UNIX-types here who might
> take offense at that ;)
> I could make the same argument for windows -- I can't recall how many
> times Linux/UNIX has been chastised for not being "modern", and still
> being "tied to the CLI", and for being essentially a throwback to the
> seventies. I think the more non-linux UNIXes that you try, the more you'll
> find out how non-UNIX-like linux really is. You can chide it for not being
> "with the times" for not implementing your favorite keyboard shortcuts
> (and believe you me, there are some  who are _more_ comfortable with hjkl
> than they are with arrow keys), or you can just sigh, decide to be a UNIX
> person instead of just a Linux person, learn hjkl and move on.
> The road you're talking about going down leads to PICO as the default
> editor instead of vi. *shudder* ;)
> > 
> ~Dan D.
> __________________________________________________________________________
> -- Lack of planning on your part doesn't consitute an emergency
> -- on my part.
> ++ Daniel M. Debertin
> ++ Senior Systems Administrator
> ++ Bitstream Underground, Inc.
> ++
> ++ (612) 321-9290
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Gabe Turner		X-President, ACM @ U of MN

"No sir, I don't like it!"	- Mr. Horse in "Fire Dogs"