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Re: [TCLUG:17411] [severely OT] Tcl vs Perl

I don't know either well enough to get into nitty-gritty,
I only know enough to stir up even *more* trouble!:
  ie, ...Why not python/Tkinter ???


At 09:06 AM 5/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>From the my-religion-is-better-than-yours dept.: I would like to hear
>informed opinions on the relative merits of perl vs Tcl as the programming
>language of choice for an open-source GUI project now forming.
>The guy behind this project has developed a very nice, generalized GUI for
>machine tool control, but has reached a dead end. The protoype was written
>in VB under Windows. He wants to port to linux so he can use rtlinux and
>also to interface with the killer CNC app 'NIST EMC', a linux-based CNC
>back-end that is well-established.
>He is looking at a total rewrite.  There is a large base of Tcl code
>associated with NIST EMC, and all of the current GUIs are written in Tcl.
>The logical choice would seem to be to use Tcl.
>He would, however, prefer to use perl/Tk. In his words:
>  "One of the major reasons Im stopping the work on my VB program is that
>  the underlying data structure is not good. I cannot use the VB Object
>  stuff, since my .dll  limits me to the 16bit VB, so that forces just
>  about everything to be global variables, since procedures can only
>  return a single value. I have done some reading on Tcl/tk and find the
>  same problems.
>  I would much prefer to write in Perl/Tk. All the data handing could then
>  be object oriented and much more robust. We could also use the Perl
>  module mechanisms to add code. 
>  Im very sure that the success of CPNC will depend heavily on the data
>  structure under it. I dont think Tcl will give us the structure we need."
>This sounds a little bogus to me. I don't have much experience with Tcl, but
>I don't see why it would limit one's choice of data structure that much.
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