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Re: [TCLUG:17269] solaris annoyances

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 04:04:19PM -0500, Luke Francl wrote:
> On Mon, 8 May 2000 wrote:
> > With the standard Solaris vi, I was able to use the arrow keys by changing
> > TERM from xterm to xpcterm.  I imagine there's some piece of the termcap
> > that can be replicated to allow this for vtXXX terms as well.  I've never
> > been big into termcap files, but my man termcap states that there's an "mi"
> > flag which might do it for you.
> Well, that's better than before at least -- now using xpcterm pushing the
> errors causes vi to enter command mode and then move, instead of writing
> A, B, C, or D all over the file. 

Did you set up your own .terminfo directory?  I'm somewhat foggy
on how I fixed this problem in my case, but it involved setting
up my own .terminfo directory by transferring the text versions
of the correct terminal definitions.  Then you have to compile
them with tic, and put them in the correct subdirectories - xterm
under .terminfo/x/, rxvt under .terminfo/r/, etc.  Then set 
$TERMINFO to .terminfo.  Better details  in the xterm FAQ: and
Color Xterm on Sun Openwin

> Still, I miss my Linux...Some Unices need to wake up and move into the
> mid-80's...

Seems more like the typical Unix problems of being not quite compatible.
XFree xterm is just a little different than other vendors' xterms.
Sun kept old xterm pretty much unchanged (probably for backward 
compatibility reasons), and put color into "new" terminal styles 
with different names.  Debian ran into similar problems, and
for a while at least they had an xterm-debian style.  That was a pain
to use with commercial Unices, since that type wouldn't be
defined for anyone else.  I can't remember how that one was resolved.

Jim Crumley                 | |
Work: 612 624-6804 or -0378 |