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Re: [TCLUG:17578] Partition: swap

"Thomas T. Veldhouse" wrote:
> Any idea when some other FS might be available (release code)?  ReiserFS?

There are a number of options out there, of which ReiserFS is probably
the leader.  The Global Filesystem is probably an option, though I know
those guys don't recommend using it in a production environment (yet),
and I understand it is not optimized for local storage (though it could
be).  Ext3 is also out there, but I really haven't heard much about it.

One problem with ReiserFS, though, is that it cannot be used on an NFS
server.  Unlike most Unix filesystems, ReiserFS doesn't have inodes, per
se.  I imagine they could be emulated in some way, and maybe that has
actually happened in the time since I've paid any attention ;-)

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[ Mike Hicks | | ]