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Re: [TCLUG:17658] email client -- NT dual boot

> The main problem I see is that the NT version of Netscape (and probably
> Pine, too) probably wants to use CRLF to mark the end of a line, while
> they will just use LF in Linux.  That conversion could cause some
> problems..

I share my bookmark file between Windows and Linux netscape with no
problems. I think my cookies too... I don't bother with mail, I don't
need it in windows. ;)

Note that the Linux FAT filesystem driver does automagic CRLF conversion
based on the file extention, which is nifty, but is The Wrong Way To Do
It. AFAIK this misfeature has been yanked somewhere in kernel 2.3.x...
Looking at the source, 2.2.15 may already have it yanked, hmmm...