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Re: [TCLUG:17968] Debian error

On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 07:10:38AM -0500, Clay Fandre wrote:
>I'm trying to upgrade my Storm Linux system to the latest unstable
>debian, but am getting this error when I do a apt-get dist-upgrade:
>E: Internel Error, Couldn't configure a pre-depend.
Clay, the problem is that Storm isn't "debian" proper. Often when people try
to make this upgrade, it inevitable causes them to loose things. As the storm
people don't do things exactly like the debian people do. The package naming
scheme is a little different. I usually tell people that a fresh install of
debian is the best answer. You _should_ be able to get away with an apt-get
upgrade though, as opposed to and apt-get dist_upgrade
Ben Lutgens  xAdministrator CS Solutions Inc |WinNT BSOD Security model:
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Cell: 651.387.9065  Office: 651.632.6162     |Invalid Pagefault in crackme.dll"