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Re: [TCLUG:17968] Debian error

Ben Lutgens said:
> Clay, the problem is that Storm isn't "debian" proper. Often when people try
> to make this upgrade, it inevitable causes them to loose things. As the storm
> people don't do things exactly like the debian people do. The package naming
> scheme is a little different. I usually tell people that a fresh install of
> debian is the best answer.

Does this apply to Corel also?  I'm getting a new box at work from BuyPogo
and their distro options are Red Hat, Corel, or Mandrake; I told my boss to
order it with Corel on the assumption that I'd be able to upgrade it to a
real Debian system relatively easily without the hassle of reconfiguring all
the graphics/sound hardware.

(OTOH, he may have forgotten to select a non-default distro and gotten me Red
Hat, in which case I suspect I'd have to do a full reinstall to make it
Debian anyhow...)

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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