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Re: [TCLUG:18170] why disconnects?

Do the computers share an actual phone line (wall->computer->computer)?
If so, which one?

#1) [wall line jack]-----[his computer]-----[your computer]

#2) [wall line jack]-----[your computer]-----[his computer]

#3) [wall line jack]-----[Y-splitter]-----[your computer]
                              +-----------[his computer]
It sounds like #1 to me. #2 would put you at an advantage, but #3 would
be a fairer arrangement. If both computers plug into line jacks it
probably is a difference in modems as Eric suggests.

I bring it up because I have had a couple of my computers set up this
way, and it is just another excuse to make pictures with ASCII.


Ben Luey wrote:
> My housemate and I share a modem line between our computers. If he leaves
> his computer connected and goes to sleep and I try to connect with my
> computer, I can't dial in and his connection stays up. There is no way to
> kill his connection short of going into his room and disconnecting his
> computer. Yet if I'm online and he tries to dial in, my connection dies
> and before it realizes it and redials, his computer has already dialed and
> connected. This hardly sems fair. Is there an option in ppp for not
> hanging up on line noise and just waiting it out? What causes a connection
> to disconnect?
> Thanks,
> Ben
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	<a href="">Troy Johnson</a>

The whole of the Bill [of Rights] is a declaration of the right of the
people at large or considered as individuals...  It establishes some
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majority has a right to deprive them of.
         -- Albert Gallatin, Oct 7 1789