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Re: [TCLUG:18227] Bob Young at the meeting?

On Fri, 26 May 2000, David Wood wrote:

> I like the lack of packaging system.  It gives me the freedom to use a
> program even if it doesnt have some silly RPM package. :)

*ahem* /usr/local
or even /usr/local/stow (stow is a lovely program, check it out)

> (referring to a reply to this message)
> They are, in fact, tarballs in reference to /.  However, if you look close,
> there's also an isntall shell script in those that need it (for building
> links and/or other configurations) as well as basic information.

*ahem* debs have a complete set of [pre,post][install,remove] scripts,
many of which now use debconf for even nicer config :)

> I like the non-keen packaging system in slackware because it doesnt say
> "TiMidity conflicts with awesfx" when I try to install stuff.  The programs
> install neatly around each other, and when they dont, I track the problem
> down with installwatch's output files (if you're not using installwatch,
> shame on you) :)

Well... got me there. sometimes dependencies/conflicts can be annoying.
but that's when you use --force or --ignore-depends <pkg>. and thus i have
no need of installwatch :)

> Hm.. seems my cross-install is done (lessee deb or redhat do this).  I just
> installed slack7 onto /dev/hda1 while my runtime slack4 system is on
> /dev/hdc1. :) Just run setup, and refer it to the slack7 cd.

I bet if I understood better what you were trying to do I could do it with
Debian :) Probably not with RedHat (damn having to reboot for in-place
upgrades... *grumble*).

Actually, yeah... I could start dinstall from a running system. I'd have
to install it first on the running system, though...

Blah! have at that. :)

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock