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Re: [TCLUG:18079] clobbered partition table

A big, "Thank you," to everyone for their suggestions on how to recover
my data.

I discovered (after a lot of going in circles) that my partition table
was OK after all.  I don't know why Partition Magic reported that the
whole disk was free. (In getting access to my data, I introduced other
problems, but my data appears to be OK.)

I had prepared to do an fdisk /mbr, but this proved to be unnecessary.
(I was only able to do the fdisk thanks to some DOS 6.22 install disks
I scavanged at the free hardware store at the last installfest.)
Although, according to some of the web pages I scanned, fdisk /mbr
specifically does not alter the partition table.  (I did an experiment
where I used Partition Magic to create some new partitions, and then
did an fdisk /mbr; the new partitions endured and the old ones were not

I found a web page (that I will try to find again), that shows how
Linux can be used to save the mbr itself onto some other media, so
that if something untoward happens, Linux can be used to restore
the sector containing the partition information.
