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Re: [TCLUG:18319] "Web Architecture"

* <> [000530 09:30]:
> In addition to opinions on where "web architecture" will be headed in five

IMO, web arch. is about the things that make it all work.  The 'glue' of
getting that neat slashdot 'site' from A to B.


you have these specs in the web arch market that you see in use:
HTML/XHTML/CSS -> w3c specs that everyone uses.  Should be strictly
enforced for max. cross-platform usage.
HTTP - the protocol

PHP and others are not 'web arch'.  they are a method of creating
xhtml compliant front ends to be transported by HTTP.

See the abstraction barrier? (ponk, ponk)

server crap || web arch. || client crap

and it should really be 'internet arch'.

Its the 'stuff' that makes it all work anywhere.  The server/client ends
should adhere to open standards so they can interoperate.

Scott Dier <> #nicnac@efnet

Wait. Watch. Wonder.