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Re: Mandrake and eOne

Kevin Bullock wrote:
>On Mon, 29 May 2000, Lord Xoi wrote:
>> I've had an eOne for awhile now, and just got Mandrake 7.  Works fine,
>> except I can't access my cdrom, <I get an Input/output error> and I can't
>> run X. <I get a blank screen>.
>This is very similar to the set of problems I had installing Mandrake 7.
>It turned out that even though my CDROM is a standard ATAPI device,
>Mandrake can't access it properly (though every other Linux distribution
>can). For this reason, the X packages didn't get installed, hence the
>problems I had setting up X.
>I ended up hosing the Mandrake install, replacing it with slackware. If
>you're a beginner, I wouldn't recommend slackware -- go with something
>like SuSE, Corel, or (failing those) RedHat (sorry, my biases are showing 
>;p ). 
	I'd like to second his recommendation of Corel. It works great 
on my eTower 366c, or did after I tweaked the video settings (the eView
14" monitor is apparently not a standard monitor, according to XFree86)
and since your eOne looks very similar to my eTower in terms of hardware
it should work equally well. OpenLinux 2.2 and 2.3 work okay, too.

>Or, if you want some help installing a Debian or Slackware system
>or somesuch, there's a few of us around that could help you out with that.
>I can't say I've had any kind of successful experience any of the times
>I've tried Mandrake.
	From what I've been reading on the list, it seems not to work 
well on anything but a stock Intel-driven box, which makes sense since
it's optimized for the P-II and P-III, right?

Kevin Trainor
"Some people like to go out dancing
But other people like us, well we gotta work."
	--Lou Reed, "Sweet Jane"