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Re: [TCLUG:18338] openssh upgrade...

On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 07:53:47AM -0500, wrote:
>> More thoughts for the masses....  "Isn't this easy?"
>Is it so much easier than rpm?
Granted there are the same number of commands. But will rpm do as apt-get
does? Which is Query the package availability database, determine what
packages (if neccessary) are needed to satisfy the dependencies, download all
software requiured and then install it. 

Not to mention that the packages themselves are FAR superior to rpms. There ar
pre and post install and remove (preinst,postinst,prerm,postrm) that can and
usually are had hacked by the maintainer to clean out old software then prep
the install stuff then install and THEN take you through a series of steps to
help you set up your software. They can do anything with these scripts one can
do with a shell script.

Not to mention debian maintainers put more love into thier packages. Noone
pays them to do it, they do it because they want to, not because some
head-honcho at RHAD is telling them to "HURRY UP and get that packaged for the
next release so we can make more money!!!" So they can charge you more money
for tech support (does anyone use that?)

Ben Lutgens  xAdministrator CS Solutions Inc |WinNT BSOD Security model:
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