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Re: [TCLUG:18344] Debian DHCP and PCMCIA (was Debian)

On Tue, 30 May 2000, Andrew S. Zbikowski wrote:

> dhcpcd just works in my experience (as long as your nic is.) Haven't
> tried the /etc/network/interfaces way...but I know someone who has and
> it seems to work for him...(unless his network settings are actually
> hiding in /etc/init.d/network ... checks ... nope)

Hmm... now that wouldn't be my box you're looking at would it Zibs? ;p
Though actually, I'm using pump right now (or was at school anyway). Only
trouble is, I would get a new IP on every boot even though the school's
lease time was a month. I was thinking that was because of pump, because
when I was using dhcpcd, it seemed to give me the same IP. Anyone have
experience with this?

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock