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Re: [TCLUG:207] CVS access to tclug's web site

The cvs solution eliminates all mailer dependency. Elminates all pgp
dependencies. I don't want to sound like a hard ass unix guy, but
using Netscape as a MTU is like having only a swiss-army knife to fix
your car. I think and do as unix was designed. Small tools that do
explicit jobs that can be easily tied together.

As you are finding out netscape does not lend itself well to tieing in
other programs. 

Before everyone flames me, yes I use perl and perl can do just about
everything. It is a swiss-army tool, And yes, I do use netscape, but
for what it does best; surf the web.

I use mutt because it is a kick-butt MTU. Tons of features, very
flexible and most of all it's far more secure then any popmail
application. I just cannot allow my CLEAR TEXT username and password
fly across the network.

Well, I'll get off my soap box.

Quoting Scot Jenkins (
> I'm _still_ interested in access to the web site.  In the last bunch of
> emails that went about, you mentioned you were working on an alternate
> solution and would let me know Mon or Tues this week.  Well it's Friday
> and I haven't heard anything.  I hate to be a pain in the ass but, I
> like Netscape mail.  I don't know if all the groups members will want to
> switch to mutt either [for the benefit of the rest, mutt is a text based
> email program that works with pgp].  Must we all convert in order to get
> access? (sounds like Bill's way or no way...) I have no problem using
> pgp command line, although I understand your mailer doesn't like it.

I won't apologize for the time delay. We all VOLUNTEER our time to
the linux community. I generally work 12-16hr days. I feel I am
offering a very good machine on a speedy connection as giving back to
the linux community.

I am sorry you are unable or unwilling to using a MTU that supports
pgp to get "normal" access to the tclug machine. 

> How do the rest of you feel about switching to mutt for your email?  Are
> you willing to give up your current email program just for access to the
> tclug web site?

If people would just use a MTU that would properly MIME attach their
pgp signature things will be fine. Is it that big of a deal to use a
different mailer JUST for this one thing?

> -- 
> Scot W. Jenkins <>
> Key fingerprint = 82 20 A8 4E 46 82 CE D4  F6 77 58 59 46 92 28 26

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66 62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9