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Re: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:16] RES-RSA 2.9 for Netrek clients and servers, U.S. version

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999 you wrote:
>RES-RSA 2.9 has been released.  This version contains:

And a few days later the full compatible cryto laws free world version 
has been released.

>The package is available at

The package is available at

>This software is protected by U.S. export restrictions on encryption
>technology.  The RSA algorithm is patented by RSA Laboratories.  Note
>that RES-RSA was written specifically for Netrek with permission from
>RSA Labs.  See the LICENSE file for details.

 This version is not protected by any law, as long you are using it
 outside of U.S. ;-)

Kurt (007)

Kurt Siegl / Franzberg 4, A-4483 Hargelsberg, Austria
Email:       Tel (ISDN):   *(7225)7017