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RE: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:16] RES-RSA 2.9 for Netrek clients and servers, U.S. version

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Tanner []
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 1999 12:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:16] RES-RSA 2.9 for Netrek clients and
> servers, U.S. version
> Quoting James Cameron (
> > Bob Tanner wrote:
> > > It wasn't encrypted?
> > > Should be encrypted.
> >
> > Erm, really?  Being encrypted source code doesn't stop it
> from being a
> > controlled export.  It just helps to stop people from using
> it if they
> > download it.
> >
> Well, when it was at chico, it was available on snorch and
> you needed the
> decrypt password to get at the actual source code.

 Well, the code on wormhole was encrypted to keep those nasty evil non-US
people who couldn't possibly comprehend advanced US technology from
downloading it. :)

 I guess reading through the previous list messages the only thing
preventing us from having a one true source for this code is the RSA patent.

 Further study indicates that the RSA patent expires in 9/2000, and some
other articles mention that the RSA patent is most likely invalid anyway.
Ohwell, drat.