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Re: [VANILLA-CLIENTS:172] Desde argentina para el seņor Ted Turner.
On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 10:43:26AM -0700, Carlos Y. Villalpando wrote:
> Ok. That was a "give me money" sob story and had nothing to do with
> netrek, if you were curious. Dave, I guess you were right about the
> last one.
Hmm, I guess I shouldn't respond. Or maybe I should and commit a couple
of billion dollars on behalf of TedTurner, should the client ever
generate any money...
Dave Ahn <> | "When you were born, you cried and the
| world rejoiced. Try to live your life
Virtual Endoscopy Center | so that when you die, you will rejoice
Wake Forest Univ. School of Medicine | and the world will cry." -1/2 jj^2