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[VANILLA-L:1011] Re: metaserver etc...

> client key list:
> ----------------
> I like Frank's idea of setting up an alias for this such as 
> But I do think that one person should manage the key
> list at a time. The other metaservers can update themselves from it if you
> want to set that up. Carlos has said he is interested.

I've already got your keylist and put it on If the rest
involves taking requests and updating the file, its fine with me if
the key submitters don't mind a possible 24-48 hour turnover. (I've
got a day job, guys *grin*) And how will the keys be submitted?  Like
in the format its in now, or do I have to run a conversion utility?
And I assume that the key submitters will also tell me when to get rid
of one.

Oh, And I just tested this.  If the metaserver dies on
It will be restarted in 5 minutes without me being around. (quick hack)
Meaning: If you can't connect to, the machine is dead
and I'll know by other channels. No need to try to reach me.  If you
can ping it, wait 5 mins and try again.

--Carlos V.
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