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[VANILLA-L:867] Re: [VANILLA-L:865] Re: [VANILLA-L:864] Possible port of vanilla server to Java

At 01:51 AM 5/12/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, May 11, 1998 at 08:13:27PM -0700, Charles B. Morrey wrote:
>> Another problem would be the forking of processes when clients log in.
>This would be the least of your problems.  You'd have to rewrite the
>shm and signal code and figure out how to sychronize the "j-ntserv" threads
>to "j-daemonII" in Java without gobbling up CPU time.  In the end,
>you will have rewritten the server from ground up to fit the java threads
>model rather than "porting" the server to Java.  Look in the mailing list
>archives for past discussions on MT & Vanilla.

You could use class Runtime and fork a new process instead of using
threads.  That would solve the scheduling problems--well, at least it'd be
a start.  :)  Then write a JNI interface for shared memory, since AFAIK IPC
in Java just sucks anyways.  

Well, anyways, I'm sure it wouldn't be a second over, say, a man-year to
rewrite.  :)

Jesse MacNish
Development Staff and Systems Administration, Creative Concepts Corporation
"Boulder.  25 square miles surrounded by reality."

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