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[VANILLA-L:881] Enable the "who" command?

It'd be convenient to know who is on the list.  The command to find
out is currently disabled to protect against spammers.  There are bots
that find out all the mailing lists on a server (the "lists" command),
followed by a "who" to get all the email addresses on each list.

I asked Bob if he could enable "who", and he told me to put it to a
vote on the list.  So I'm doing so!  My vote is to enable.

Arguments in favor:

1) Wouldn't it be better to disable the "lists" command instead of

2) There's nothing stopping the spammers from just sending mail to the
list.  (Why do they need each address if they can just send mail to
the list?)

3) Spam exists.  Cope.  To elaborate: if they don't get you here,
they'll get you somewhere else.  Is your email address on your web
page?  Are you part of another list that doesn't have who disabled?
Did you sign up for the draft league?  Etc, etc.  Other methods are
more effective at blocking spam than trying to hide your email address.

-Jeff (specter)
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